Mike's Rule #5 - DNA inheritance is imperfect

Video link You are genetically unique, even if you are a twin. At conception, you were dealt a random set of DNA. Sometimes that set of DNA matches other people, like your cousins. And sometimes your DNA doesn’t match, even though you expect it to. DNA inheritance is not perfect. That’s why you don’t look exactly like your siblings (unless, of course you are an identical twin). Your mom and dad will always give you 50% of their DNA, but there are some random events. Let’s represent mom’s DNA with 100 cards, 50 red and 50 blue (her DNA inheritance from her parents). She’s going to shuffle them and randomly give you 50 of those cards. Dad is going to give you 50 of his cards. Together, that’s you. Now pick up all the cards and reshuffle. Pass out 50 cards from each parent to your sibling. It’s highly unlikely that they will get the same cards as you. Wh...